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Mathayom 2 Online

Scratch Maze game Assignment Criteria


Download Scratch Desktop


Create a solvable but difficult maze game puzzle using the program scratch


Create the maze for travelling around (navigate) (5) Video


Create the main Pac character, add code for movement and bounce (10) Video


Draw 5 foods, 2 un-healthy and 3 healthy, add code + VAR + BC for each food (10) Video for 1 + code needed


              VAR = Variable for points, BC = Broadcast bigger or smaller


Create at least 2 guards that will block the way to the key, add code + BCGO (10) Video for 1


Create or use a ghost that chases the Pac man around the Maze, add code + BCGO (5) Video


Create or use a treasure/key at center of maze, add code + BCGO (5) Video


             BCGO = broadcast GAMEOVER “for stage only”


Create the 3 stages, start, win and lose. Add code for win/lose detection (10) Video


Make sure you test the game and it is possible to win.


Presentation “How to play the maze game”


Imagine explaining to your friend how to play the game


Slide 1 Main Title Slide

Title: “Maze game project 2020” add a picture of you on this slide.

Content: Name and class and 5 digit ID number


Slide 2 Title and content

Title: How to play (rules)

Content: explain how to play game, objective of game, points, how to get all foods and key, add screenshots of game on this slide


Slide 3 Title and content

Title: “Things I made and code added”

Content: show things made with screenshots (Food), show code and explain, Screenshots of guards and ghost + code. Show code for movement, guard movement, item broadcasts and Win/lose screen


Final slide:

Title: Evaluation

Content: talk about the assignment, if you enjoyed the project, what you learnt from the work.


Add animations + backgrounds to the presentation and present to class

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